The following are the different entities of the GST Business API
Business Entity
The various properties are explained below:
Param | Type | Description |
bank_accounts | array | List of bank accounts |
billing_address | object | Billing address |
contact | object | Contact |
display_name | string | Display name of the business |
gstin | string | GSTIN in case the business is registered |
id | hex(32) | Unique business identifier |
name | string | Legal name of the business |
nature_of_business | string | Nature of business. Possible values: Trader, Manufacturer and Restaurant Services |
registered | boolean | Whether the business is registered |
scheme | string | Scheme type: Regular, Composite |
shipping_address | object | Shipping address |
supporting_documents | array | List of documents |
Items Entity
The various properties are explained below:
Param | Type | Description |
cess | bigdecimal | Cess amount of item |
cess_rate | bigdecimal | Cess rate percent |
code | string | HSN/SAC code |
description | string | Description of item |
discount | bigdecimal | Discount amount of item |
discount_rate | bigdecimal | Discount rate percent |
display_name | string | Display name of item |
gst_rate | bigdecimal | GST rate percent |
id | hex(32) | Unique item identifier |
is_exempt | boolean | Whether item is exempt from GST |
is_rate_inclusive_of_tax | boolean | Check if rate is inclusive of tax |
item_type | string | Type of item. Possible value: Goodsand Services |
notes | string | Additional notes on item |
purchase_price | bigdecimal | Purchase amount of item |
quantity | bigdecimal | Quantity of item |
sale_price | bigdecimal | Sale price of item |
sku_code | string | SKU code of item |
unit | string | Unit of item |
Dealers Entity
The various properties are explained below:
Param | Type | Description |
billing_address | object | Billing address |
contact | object | Contact |
display_name | string | Display name of dealer |
gstin | string | GSTIN of dealer |
id | hex(32) | Unique dealer identifier |
name | string | Name of dealer |
notes | string | Additional notes |
registered | boolean | Whether the dealer is GST registered or not |
scheme | string | Dealer's registered business scheme. Possible values: Compositionand Regular |
Invoices Entity
The various properties are explained below:
balance | bigdecimal | Current balance |
bank_account | object | Bank account |
discount | bigdecimal | Discout amount |
document_type | string | Type of document. Possible values: Bill of Supply and Invoice |
due_date | date | Due date of payment |
id | hex(32) | Unique invoice identifier |
invoice_date | date | Date of invoice generation |
invoice_number | string | Invoice number |
is_cancelled | boolean | Whether invoice is cacelled or not |
is_uploaded | boolean | Whether invoice is uploaded or not |
is_round_off | boolean | Whether invoice is round of or not |
items | array | List of items |
note | string | Additional notes on invoice |
original_invoice_number | string | Original invoice number |
payment_status | string | Payment status. Possible values: Paid, Partial, Overdue and Unpaid |
purchaser | object | Purchaser dealer |
reference_number | string | Reference number |
status | string | Document status. Possible values: Deleted, Opened, Sent and Unsent |
subtotal | bigdecimal | Subtotal amount |
supplier | object | Supplier dealer |
supporting_documents | array | List of documents |
taxable_value | bigdecimal | Taxable value |
terms_and_conditions | string | Terms and conditions on invoice |
total | bigdecimal | Total amount in invoice |
transaction_type | string | Type of transaction. Possible values: Purchase and Sale |
Tax Invoice Entity
The additional properties excluding properties of it's supertype "Invoice" are explained below:
Param | Type | Description |
cess | bigdecimal | Cess amount |
cgst | bigdecimal | CGST amount |
gst | bigdecimal | GST amount |
igst | bigdecimal | IGST amount |
is_reverse_charge | boolean | Whether invoice is reverse charged |
sgst | bigdecimal | SGST amount |